
Nonchalant Youth is an amateur music blog focusing on festivals as well as new music releases and emerging artists.

I’m Matt and I originally started this blog to waste a bit of time, but it has since turned in to a place to perfect some of my skills and showcase my writing.

Currently I’m studying Print Journalism at Nottingham Trent University. Whilst music is my passion and seems like an obvious career path (music journalism, that is, god help the world if I ever got a record contract. I am learning the bass, though.) I’m not set on what I want to do just yet. I love music as a hobby, at the moment I want to keep it that way.

If you’re still with me on this you may (or may not) be interested to know my other passions include current affairs, travelling and sport. I have strong opinions and often air them, however this is not the forum to be doing so. My articles on such matters would probably violently veer from sensible, eloquent discussion to ugly, sweary rants, which nobody really wants. Plus, it’s not really relevant (although I do appreciate there is in some cases a very important relationship between politics and music.) If you’re interested, I’ll leave the shitty social commentary articles to VICE and  you can follow my twitter.

In terms of travelling, I’ve been lucky enough to visit a number of places, see some spectacular sights and experience some wonderful things. From flying in the Grand Canyon, to partying til the early hours in Prague to mourning the loss of so many innocent lives at Sachsenhausen concentration camp just outside Berlin,  I’ve appreciated everywhere I’ve visited. Again it’s not something I tend to write about. I tried to write a blog whilst interrailing but it all went tits up when I realised I couldn’t do that and deal with my hangovers/come-downs and figure out where the fuck we were supposed to be going next AND appreciate the amazing culture that lies in every nook and cranny across Europe. Anyway, my life goal is to visit every country in the world which, since setting that goal, I have realised is going to pretty difficult, so I’ll be happy when I hit like 80%.

Finally, I support Portsmouth football club, San Francisco 49ers and take an active interest in tennis, Formula 1 and athletics. I used to run (sort of competitively), and still do if I have a sudden flush of Forrest Gump-iness, but other than my physical activity is restricted to turning the TV on or going to the gym if I can be arsed.

It seems this has turned in to more of a creepy, spectacularly sad dating site bio than I’d hoped so I going to end it here.

For the record, I like Disneyland, pineapples and long, moon-lit walks on the beach.


You can contact me on mattj.davies1994@gmail.com or twitter or facebook or anywhere else you find me lurking on the internet.


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